I will try to avoid unnecessary jargon and present the cold and flu in layman’s terms using Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and how it has been treated successfully over the few thousand years.
Historically, parts of China have always been hit by plagues and pandemics, destroying crops and lives.
The dynastic emperors could not afford to ignore these devastating effects for 2 primary reasons
Without crops, the people won’t have enough food to eat, there won’t be enough trade to spin off the economy to pay the yearly taxes to the royal court. Each individual province is also expected to contribute a quota of grains or crops to support and maintain the high army.
To wage wars for powers, large amounts of food are required to feed the 3 armies.
As a result, the imperial court issues an order to come out with a solution with the threat of death for failure.
Due to widespread corruption, these recipes have either been lost or stolen by unscrupulous merchants. During the Cultural Revolution in 1966, a lot of this ancient wisdom has also been lost and destroyed unwittingly.
BY: Admin
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