TCM physiology
The common cold (感冒gǎn mào) or common acute upper respiratory tract infection, is an acute viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract caused by rhinovirus, human coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, etc. Symptoms which often appear, such as sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, cough, and malaise, are usually worse in 1–3 days and can last 7–10 days, and sometimes as long as 3 weeks.
The symptoms of the common cold and flu come as a result of the battle between the ProtectiveQi (Zhengi, 正气, which has a similar concept to immunity) of the body and the external pathogens. When the Protective Qi in your body is weak, you are more vulnerable to pathogen attacks, thus falling ill.
The typical wind-cold type common cold with a normal physique, which is the majority of the wind-cold type common cold, is characterized by a history of catching a cold, feeling cold, and nasal congestion with clear snivel (鼻塞流清涕 bí sè liú qīng tì). Treatment for the wind-cold type common cold with a normal physique includes “expelling wind dispersing cold (祛風散寒 qū fēng sàn hán)” and “relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis (發汗解表 fā hàn jiě biǎo)”
TCM believes that when the Protective Qi is at equilibrium, your body’s natural resistance against diseases and healing ability are at their optimum. The rule of thumb is to remove the excess and replenish the deficiency, so as to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang, as well as a healthy body.
Chinese herbs widely used to reinforce Qi and fortify the immune system are Astragalus Root (Huangqi, 黄芪), Solomon’s Seal Rhizome (Huangjing, 黄精), Codonopsis Root (Dangshen, 党参), Ginseng (Renshen, 人参), Ganoderma Mushroom (Lingzhi. 灵芝) and Cordyceps (Dongcongxiacao, 冬虫夏草). Having a luohan fruit tea regularly can also help to clear the lung heat and replenish the body’s yin.
Disharmony Patterns of the Common Cold and Flu
In general, TCM differentiates cold and flu according to the patterns of disharmony, as well as the related root causes. The most common ailment-causing patterns are Wind-Heat, Wind-Cold, and Dampness. It is advisable to seek professional consultation from a licensed physician to have your condition accurately diagnosed.
• Wind-Heat Pattern
Cold and flu symptoms caused by Wind and Heat pathogens are more prevalent during spring and summer, and at places with tropical climates. Common symptoms include a high body temperature; difficulty in sweating; a slight aversion to the wind; a sore throat and turbid nasal discharge with yellowish phlegm.
Treatments are aimed at expelling out the heat and cooling the body. Examples of herbs that are used include Fructus Forsythiae (lian qiao, 连翘) and Flos Lonicera (honeysuckle flower, 金银花).
• Wind-Cold Pattern
The cold and flu caused by Wind and Cold pathogens, commonly occur during winter or in a cool or cold environment. Symptoms include a severe aversion to cold; a slight increase in body temperature; no sweating; running nose with clear nasal discharge; chest congestion; sneezing; an itching throat; cough with clear mucus.
Treatment methods such as herbal remedies, acupuncture or cupping are usually employed to ease the wind-cold symptoms. Herbs used will usually be warm in nature, such as Folium Perillae (Zi Su Ye, 紫苏叶) and Ramulus Cinnamomi (Gui Zhi, 桂枝), which aim to induce sweating to dispel the cold and wind pathogenic factors from the body.
• Dampness Pattern
Individuals with the cold and flu caused by Dampness pathogens will constantly feel the presence of Heat in the body but have no significant increase in body temperature. Other symptoms include constant thirst with mild sweating; fatigue; lethargy and an occasional chest tightness.
Common natural receipe
Below are few simple recipes I always teach my patient:
Recipe one for wind-cold flu symptoms:
Self-help home remedies
Ginger Tea
If you are suffering from the wind-cold flu pattern, make this tea to ease the symptoms
Ingredients: 10g ginger, 10-15g brown sugar
Preparation: Slice the giner and simmer in boiling water with the lid closed for 5 to 10 minutes. Add in brown sugar after. Drink while it is hot.
Garlic Tea
Peel 1 bulb of garlic and fill with around 500 ml of water to boil. Drink a minimum of 100ml each time with the rest sharing with family members or by yourself.
Garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients which is used widely.
Add more garlic (ratio of 1 bulb of garlic for every 500 ml of water) for more people.
This recipe is anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
Stay healthy. Stay strong.
Hui Kang Kin Therapy
BY: Admin
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